Pennsauken car accident lawyers

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Pennsauken Car Accident Lawyers

Strong advocacy for South Jersey drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and bicycle riders

Car accidents along Routes 130, 73, 90, and other roads that run through Pennsauken and connect to South Jersey and Philadelphia happen in an instant. Most car accidents are preventable if drivers are sober, follow the traffic laws, and focus on their driving. At Ferrara & Gable, we’ve been strong advocates for car occupants and pedestrians for 50 years. Our Pennsauken car accident attorneys represent families when a loved one dies in a car crash in Pennsauken. We’re respected by former clients, insurance companies, and the South Jersey legal community for our record of results, which includes:

  • $5.5 million for a man who was paralyzed when his seatbelt failed to work
  • $2.3 million verdict for a pregnant woman and her daughter of our client when a driver drove through a stop sign and a flashing red light, killing the husband/father
  • $1.8 million for a pedestrian who was injured while crossing a major intersection

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Call 856-779-9500 now or fill out the form above to receive a free confidential consultation.

What types of car accident cases do you handle in Pennsauken?

Our Pennsauken car accident lawyers have the experience and working relationships to handle all types of car accidents, including:

  • Head-on crashes. These accidents involve the fronts of two cars striking each other because one driver is clearly going the wrong way. Head-on crashes occur when a driver passes improperly, makes a wrong turn onto a one-way street, drives up a down ramp, or for other reasons. Common causes include drunk driving, driver distraction, and speeding. Many head-on crashes are fatal.
  • Broadside accidents/T-bone accidents. These accidents occur when the front of one car strikes the side of another car. They usually occur at intersections, when drivers fail to look before entering a road, and for other reasons.
  • Rear-end car accidents. In these accidents, the front of the car in the rear strikes another vehicle that is waiting in line – for example, waiting for a red light to turn green. The car in the rear is almost always at fault.
  • Single-vehicle accidents. Passengers can file a personal injury lawsuit against a driver if the driver’s negligence causes an accident. Both the driver and a passenger can file a lawsuit against:
    • The manufacturers of defective car parts
    • Taverns and bars that serve alcohol to minors or drivers who are visibly intoxicated based on the New Jersey Dram Shop Act
    • The governmental entities that are responsible for defective roads or road maintenance
  • Multiple-vehicle crashes. At Ferrara & Gable, our lawyers handle claims involving more than one collision– such as when a rear-end crash causes a chain reaction of crashes.
  • Intersection accidents. Many car accidents in Pennsauken happen because a driver enters an intersection without yielding the right way or waiting for the light to change. Some drivers fail to complete their turn in time. Our Pennsauken car accident lawyers work to show step-by-step how intersection accidents happen.
  • Uber and Lyft accidents. At Ferrara & Gable, we understand the unique challenges involved in rideshare accidents – whether the driver was transporting a passenger, waiting for rides, or off-duty.
  • Hit-and-run accidents. Our Pennsauken car accident lawyers file uninsured/underinsured (UM/UIM) claims with your own UM/UIM company if the hit-and-run driver can’t be discovered.
  • Fatal accidents. At Ferrara & Gable, we represent families when a parent, child, spouse, or domestic partner dies in a Pennsauken car accident.

What types of injury claims do you handle?

Our Pennsauken personal injury lawyers handle all types of serious injuries, including catastrophic and permanent injuries, such as:

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). A TBI can occur if a driver/passenger strikes their head on another rider, the dashboard, or any other part of the car. A TBI can also happen without physical contact if the victim’s head moves when the crash occurs. We also represent pedestrians and bicycle riders who suffer traumatic brain injuries.
  • Spinal cord injuries. We represent car accident victims who suffer paralysis, herniated discs, nerve injuries, and other spinal cord disorders. Many spinal cord injury victims live with constant/chronic pain.
  • Traumatic amputation/loss of limb. Our Pennsauken car accident lawyers represent victims who lose part or all of a leg due to sharp metals and glass, forceful impacts, or surgeries necessary to save their lives and as much of their limb as possible.
  • Fractures. We work with orthopedic doctors when a car accident causes a complex, compound, comminuted, or simple fracture – or multiple broken bones.
  • Internal bleeding and organ damage. Damage to the lungs, kidneys, and other organs can be life-threatening. Survivors often live with a great amount of pain and stress.
  • Whiplash. This car accident injury, most common in rear-end accidents, happens when a rider’s neck moves rapidly back and forth.
  • Other types of serious injuries. We also handle:
    • Nerve damage
    • Muscle, tissue, ligament, and tendon damage
    • Neck, shoulder, and back pain
    • Burn injuries
    • Scarring and disfigurement
    • Cardiac disorders
    • Loss of vision or hearing
    • Emotional trauma, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
    • Other serious injuries

What are the common causes of Pennsauken car accidents?

Our Pennsauken car accident lawyers work with the police, investigators, and others to show how your car accident happened. Common causes include:

  • Drunk driving and driving under the influence of drugs (prescription and nonlegal drugs)
  • Speeding, failure to yield, and other traffic violations
  • Driving while distracted, including texting, using a smartphone, looking at a GPS, eating, or drinking
  • Tailgating
  • Improper or illegal merging or passing
  • Failing to yield the right of way
  • Driving through red lights and stop signs
  • Driver fatigue
  • Defective car parts
  • Many other causes
Pennsauken car accident attorneys

How do you hold drivers liable for car accidents?

At Ferrara & Gable, we work with the local police, investigators, car part experts, and traffic reconstruction experts to help determine who caused your accident and why they’re responsible. We formally submit written questions to each defendant and orally question each defendant and each witness in person.

Our Pennsauken car accident lawyers file car accident lawsuits against every person or business responsible for your car accident, including:

  • The driver of the vehicle that caused the accident
  • The employer of the negligent driver
  • The owner of the car if the owner is different than the negligent driver – such as when parents let their teenager use their car
  • A seller of alcohol to someone who was visibly intoxicated or intoxicated and then causes your accident
  • Manufacturers of defective car parts such as seatbelts (we’ve won/settled several defective seat belt  cases), airbags, brakes, tires, and fuel lines
  • The NJ Department of Transportation, Camden County, and the Delaware Port Authority

What’s my car accident case worth in Pennsauken?

Our trial lawyers settle many cases because of our record of success arguing cases before juries. We demand compensation for every day and every way you’re hurting, including all your current and future:

  • Medical expenses. These bills include emergency transport and care, hospital stays, surgeries, doctor visits, diagnostic tests, rehabilitative care, assistive devices such as prosthetics and wheelchairs, psychological counseling, and medications.
  • Pain and suffering. We demand compensation for all your pain, aches, moments of agony, itches, worries, anxiety, and depression.
  • Lost income and lost benefits. Our Pennsauken car accident lawyers demand compensation for all the wages, income, and benefits you lose because you can’t work - for as long as you can’t work
  • Other damages include:
    • Loss of bodily function
    • Loss of life’s pleasures
    • Scarring and disfigurement
    • Loss of consortium

We also help you file for your PIP benefits, UIM/UIM proceeds, insurance, and, if relevant, pursue punitive damages.

At Ferrara & Gable, we file wrongful death actions for the funeral and burial costs, the loss of income (and lost inheritances) your loved one would have provided, and the loss of personal support (love, comfort, and guidance) your loved one would have provided

Do you have a Pennsauken car accident attorney near me?

Ferrara & Gable meets the victims of car accidents at our Pennsauken office located at 601 Longwood Avenue in Cherry Hill, NJ - just a few miles from Pennsauken. There’s available parking, and you can take the Rt. 38 bus to reach us. We hold phone and online consultations. We do see victims at their homes or hospitals when necessary.

We’ll prepare you for each step of your claim.

Contact our Pennsauken car accident lawyers now

Car accidents are life-changing. One moment, you’re on your way to work, family, friends, running errands, or doing something fun. The next moment, you’re seeing doctors and therapists and wondering if you can work and pay your bills. Ferrara & Gable is ready to fight for you immediately. Our Pennsauken car accident lawyers have helped many victims and families like you obtain the full compensation they deserve. Call us or contact us today to schedule a free consultation. We handle car accident victims on a contingency fee basis. We represent clients in Pennsauken, across Camden County, and throughout all of South Jersey.