Vorhees car accident lawyers

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Voorhees Car Accident Lawyers

Strong advocacy for South Jersey drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and bicycle riders

Drivers along Route 73, which runs through Voorhees, Interstate 295, and Route 70, which connect to nearby Philadelphia and the local roads of Voorhees, pose dangers for drivers every day. Just one drunk driver, speeding driver, or distracted driver can cause a car accident. At Ferrara & Gable, our lawyers have 50 years of experience fighting for injured car accident victims. Our Voorhees car accident lawyers also fight for families when a car accident tragically kills a loved one. We work with investigators, the police, produce safety experts, and others to prove fault. We work with your doctors and employers to verify and explain your damages. We demand all the compensation you deserve.

In one case, our lawyers obtained $5.5 million against General Motors when our client was paralyzed because his seatbelt was defective. In another car accident case, we secured a $2.3 million verdict for the family of a man who was killed when a driver drove through a flashing red light and stop sign, causing a fatal collision and leaving behind the victim’s pregnant wife and young child.

Free Case Evaluation

Call 856-779-9500 now or fill out the form above to receive a free confidential consultation.

What kinds of car accidents do you handle in Voorhees?

Our Voorhees car accident lawyers are ready to handle any type of accident that caused your injuries or the death of a loved one, including:

  • Head-on crashes. These crashes usually occur because one driver was intoxicated, distracted, tried to pass when there wasn’t enough room, or because a driver entered the wrong lane for other reasons. Head-on crashes are often fatal or cause catastrophic injuries.
  • Broadside accidents/T-bone crashes. These collisions, which involve the front of one car hitting the side of another car, often occur at intersections when drivers enter a lane without looking or when cars spin into other cars after an initial impact.
  • Rear-end car accidents. These accidents, in which the driver in the rear is almost always at fault, occur because the driver in the rear was speeding, distracted, or tailgating. Some drivers hit the car in front of them and then run (commonly called a hit-and-run accident)
  • Single-vehicle accidents. We represent passengers if the driver of their car was negligent. We represent drivers and passengers if a single-vehicle accident in Voorhees is due to violations of the New Jersey Dram Shop Act or the failure of the state, Camden County, or Voorhees to properly design or maintain the roads.
  • Multiple-vehicle crashes. At Ferrara & Gable, we handle these complex types of car accidents. The most common type of multi-vehicle accident is when a series of cars strike each other after an initial car rear-ends the last car in line.
  • Intersection accidents. Our Voorhees car accident lawyers represent drivers in any type of intersection accident. We’re skilled at showing that a driver drove through a red light, failed to stop at a stop sign, or failed to properly yield to other vehicles.
  • Uber and Lyft accidents. Ferrara & Gable files car accident claims against the responsible drivers. If the accident was caused by a rideshare driver while they were picking up or riding with a passenger, we seek compensation directly from Uber or Lyft’s insurance carriers.
  • Hit-and-run accidents. Our Voorhees car accident lawyers work with the police to try to find the responsible driver. We file uninsured/underinsured (UM/UIM) claims with your own UM/UIM carrier if the hit-and-run driver can’t be found.
  • Deadly accidents. At Ferrara & Gable, we represent families when relatives die in car accidents in Voorhees.

What types of injuries do your Voorhees car accident lawyers handle?

Ferrara & Gable handles all types of injuries, including catastrophic injuries that require a lifetime of extensive medical care, permanent injuries, disabling injuries that prevent car accident victims from working, and injuries that heal with proper treatment. The injuries we handle in Voorhees include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). These injuries can occur if a car occupant strikes another part of the car or someone in the car. Pedestrians and bicycle riders can suffer a TBI when a car hits them or when they hit the ground. Victims often have cognitive difficulties in addition to physical and emotional trauma.
  • Spinal cord injuries. Spinal cord damage can cause quadriplegia, tetraplegia, extensive nerve damage, herniated discs, and other disorders. Many victim’s lives are never the same as before the car accident.
  • Traumatic amputation/loss of limb. The metal and glass from cars and collisions with asphalt or road objects can cause a car accident victim’s leg to sever immediately or require amputation during surgery.
  • Broken bones. The human body has 206 bones. Any one of these bones can break in a car accident in Voorhees. Orthopedic surgeons and doctors work to reset the bones and help fractures heal. Some victims lose bodily function and live with constant pain.
  • Internal bleeding and internal organ damage. Car accidents can harm a victim’s kidneys, lungs, spleen, and other organs. Internal bleeding and organ damage can be life-threatening.
  • Whiplash. This injury often occurs when the neck moves rapidly back and forth when rear-end car accidents happen.
  • Other types of serious injuries. We also handle:
    • Muscle and nerve damage
    • Tissue, ligament, and tendon damage
    • Back, neck, and shoulder pain
    • Burn injuries
    • Scarring and disfigurement
    • Heart failure
    • Loss of sight or hearing
    • Psychological injuries including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
    • Other serious injuries

Why do car accidents happen in Voorhees?

Our Voorhees car accident lawyers work are skilled at showing how the accident that injured or took the life of your loved one occurred. Common causes of car accidents in South Jersey include:

  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Speeding and other traffic violations
  • Driver while distracted, including texting, speaking on a cellphone, looking at a GPS, drinking, or drinking
  • Tailgating
  • Passing or merging illegally or improperly
  • Not yielding
  • Driving through red lights and stop signs
  • Driving while tired
  • Defective car parts
  • Many other causes

Who is accountable for car accidents in Voorhees?

At Ferrara & Gable, we file car accident lawsuits against every responsible party. The defendants may include:

  • The driver of another vehicle
  • The driver of the vehicle in which you were riding
  • An employer of a driver
  • The owner of the vehicle, such as when a teenager causes an accident while driving the family car
  • A seller of alcohol to a driver who was visibly intoxicated when served, and the driver caused the accident due to their intoxication
  • Manufacturers of defective car parts
  • State, county, or municipal entities responsible for the design or maintenance of the roads where you were hurt

What damage award or settlement can I receive in South Jersey?

At Ferrara & Gable, we negotiate settlements and demand compensation for current and future damages – including:

  • Medical bills. Your bills for emergency transport, ER care, hospitalizations, surgeries, visits with physicians, tests, rehabilitative care, assistive help, and medications.
  • Pain and suffering. You’re entitled to compensation from the liable parties for all your aches, pains, stresses, and anxiety.
  • Lost income and lost benefits. You’re entitled to money for the wages, benefits, and income you lost because you cannot work - for as long as you can’t do your job.
  • Other damages include:
    • Inability to use a body part
    • Inability to enjoy life’s pleasures
    • Scarring and disfigurement
    • Loss of consortium

We also help you obtain your PIP benefits, file for UIM/UIM insurance, and seek punitive damages for inexcusable conduct.

Our Voorhees car accident lawyers also seek wrongful death damages, which include the funeral and burial costs, the loss of financial support your loved one would have provided, and the loss of personal support (guidance, comfort, and love) your loved one would have provided.

Do you have a Voorhees car accident attorney near me?

Ferrara & Gable meets car accident victims and families at our Voorhees office located at 601 Longwood Avenue in Cherry Hill, NJ - just 5-10 miles from Voorhees. You can park nearby or get to our office by taking the Rt. 38 bus. We consult by phone and online conferences. We make alternative arrangements when necessary.

We’ll guide you calmly and clearly through each step of the claims process.

Speak with our South Jersey car accident lawyers today

The trauma of a car accident can be devastating. You can trust Ferrara & Gable to prioritize your health while we work towards a resolution of your claim. Our Voorhees car accident lawyers have the experience and resources to move car accidents quickly while protecting your interests. We’re skilled at showing what caused your accident, who is responsible, and how much compensation you deserve. Call us or contact us today to schedule a free consultation. We represent car accident victims on a contingency fee basis. We serve clients in Voorhees, across Camden County, and throughout all of South Jersey.