Haddonfield nursing home abuse & neglect

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Haddonfield Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers

Fighting for victims of nursing home abuse and neglect in South Jersey

Seniors deserve to live out their remaining years in the best health possible. They deserve to be treated with respect and dignity no matter the state of their physical or cognitive health. At Ferrara & Gable, we hold nursing homes accountable when they fail to protect your parent, grandparent, spouse, or any other relative from abuse (physical, sexual, emotional, or financial) or neglect.

We hold nursing homes accountable, in addition to staff members, for failing to follow nursing home standards. We demand compensation for your loved one’s medical bills, inability to enjoy life’s pleasures, and all other damages. Call us today to fight for your loved one.

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What is nursing home abuse and neglect?

Nursing home abuse and nursing neglect occur when the owners and operators of long-term care facilities fail to protect their residents.

Nursing home abuse

Nursing home abuse usually involves intentional wrongs. The home, staff member, visitor, or even another resident intends to cause your loved one pain or harm. Often, the person that causes the harm takes advantage of the resident’s age, physical infirmities, loneliness, emotional difficulties, or cognitive impairments such as dementia or Alzheimer's. Nursing homes such as Brandywine Living can be held liable for abuse if they directly cause harm or fail to take appropriate steps to prevent the abuse from occurring.

Nursing home neglect

Nursing home neglect generally involves failing to tend to the daily needs of each resident, failing to establish safety protocols, not responding to known problems, and failing to provide quality medical care. Nursing home neglect includes failing to reduce the risk of falling, not providing proper nutrition, and failing to provide the medications each resident needs.

New Jersey defines nursing homes as:

Any institution, whether operated for profit or not, which maintains and operates facilities for extended medical and nursing treatment or care for two or more unrelated individuals with acute or chronic illness or injury, or a physical disability, or who are convalescing, or who are in need of assistance in bathing, dressing, or some other type of supervision, and are in need of such treatment or care on a continuing basis.

Currently, Brandywine Living is the only nursing home in Haddonfield. There are many nursing homes throughout Camden County.

What kinds of nursing home abuse and neglect claims do you handle in Haddonfield?

At Ferrara & Gable, we handle all types of nursing home abuse. The National Institutes of Health defines elder abuse (the most common type of nursing home abuse) as follows:

  • Physical abuse. This type of abuse involved physical harm, such as slapping, pushing, striking, or hitting a resident. Physical abuse can also include the use of physical and chemical restraints to control a resident. Physical abuse involves any type of contact that causes bruises, cuts, pressure marks, bleeding, burns, or pain. The signs of physical abuse include bedsores, infections, malnutrition, dehydration, not using hearing aids or dentures, unexplained falls, and loss of weight.
  • Emotional abuse. This form of abuse includes threatening, yelling at, intimidating, or ignoring a resident. The symptoms include withdrawal, anxiety, insomnia, fear of people, depression, rocking back and forth, and isolation.
  • Sexual abuse. Sadly, many seniors and disabled residents are sexually abused – sometimes by staff members and sometimes by other residents (especially residents with dementia). Sexual abuse involves forcing someone to participate in or watch sexual acts.
  • Financial abuse. The signs of financial abuse include unpaid bills, charges that aren’t normal, unexplained financial losses, powers of attorney in non-relatives, cashing Social Security checks, and forged signatures.
  • Neglect. Nursing home neglect includes failing to tend to a resident’s physical, emotional, social, and medical needs. Nursing home abuse can also include abandoning a resident (leaving the resident alone without supervision) and allowing a resident to wander.

Other signs of nursing home abuse or neglect include:

  • Failing to honor a resident’s rights
  • Violating any federal, state, or contractual right that belongs to the resident
  • Not providing the correct medications in the correct dosages at the correct times
  • Unsanitary living conditions
  • Utilities that don’t work
  • Unexplained illnesses or injuries

Many acts of abuse in Haddonfield nursing homes involve residents with dementia. Nursing homes should be prepared to protect residents who have cognitive challenges from any type of abuse or neglect.

Family members, friends, and caring nursing home staff members should be alert to any signs of abuse or neglect. Abuse or neglect should be reported to the nursing home, the New Jersey Long-Term Care Ombudsman. The best course of action is to contact our Haddonfield nursing home lawyers.

Why are nursing homes liable for abuse or neglect in Haddonfield?

At Ferrara & Gable, our Haddonfield personal injury lawyers are skilled at showing why your loved one suffered due to nursing home neglect or abuse was preventable. We hold nursing homes liable for failing to:

  • Conduct background checks of new employees
  • Investigate complaints about staff members
  • Establish safety and reporting protocols
  • Not respecting an elderly or disabled resident’s rights
  • Conduct safety inspections and make timely repairs
  • Comply with federal and New Jersey nursing home standards
  • Understaffing
  • Many other acts of abuse or negligence

Nursing homes are generally liable for the neglect of their employees.

What rights do Haddonfield nursing home residents have?

There are federal and state laws that provide specific rights for nursing home residents. The US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) provides the following rights for any nursing home that bills Medicare or Medicaid (most nursing homes do). These rights include the right to:

  • Be free from abuse and neglect
  • Be treated with respect
  • Participate in activities
  • Be free from discrimination
  • Be free from restraints
  • Make complaints
  • Get proper medical care
  • Notify your representative
  • Get information about services and fees
  • Manage your money
  • Privacy, property, and living arrangements
  • Spend time with visitors
  • Get social services
  • Leave the nursing home
  • Have protection from unfair discharge or transfer
  • Participate in resident groups
  • Involve your family and friends

New Jersey has its own laws, such as N.J. Stat. § 30:13-5, that create rights for nursing home residents. Many of these rights are similar to the CMS Bill of Rights.

Do you have a Haddonfield nursing home abuse and neglect attorney near me?

Ferrara & Gable meets Brandywine Living nursing home residents, their families, and their guardians at our Haddonfield office located at 601 Longwood Avenue in Cherry Hill, NJ.  We can visit the nursing home or the home of a family member when necessary. We also conduct phone and online consultations.

Nursing home residents have the right to seek legal counsel. We’ll answer the questions residents and those people who care for them have. We’ll help you through each step of the claims process.

Talk with our respected Haddonfield, NJ nursing home abuse and neglect lawyers today

Residents of Brandywine Living at Haddonfield and any other Camden County nursing homes have the right to be free from any type of abuse and to be safe from neglect. Nursing home residents should be treated with respect and dignity. At Ferrara & Gable, our lawyers are skilled at showing what steps Brandywine Living and other nursing homes should have taken to protect your loved one. To schedule a consultation with our accomplished Haddonfield nursing home abuse lawyers, call us or contact us today. We proudly serve Camden County and all of South Jersey.