Cherry Hill Nursing Home Sexual Abuse Lawyers

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Cherry Hill Nursing Home Sexual Abuse Lawyers

Cherry Hill nursing home attorneys helping seniors in South Jersey

At Ferrara & Gable, our Cherry Hill nursing home sexual abuse lawyers fight for the dignity and security of residents in long-term care facilities. We file civil claims to compensate the senior for their physical and emotional harm, and to stop further acts of abuse of anyone in the nursing home. We also work with the police when criminal charges are filed against sexual abusers. Our partners are respected across New Jersey for their strong advocacy and caring representation.

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What is sexual abuse of the elderly?

Sexual abuse includes sexual assault and sexual harassment.

The American Psychological Association states that sexual assault involves sexual activity that is unwanted (non-consensual). The abusers often use force, intimidation, and threats. The abusers often, especially in nursing homes and long-term care facilities, take advantage of seniors who are not able to give consent – such as seniors with dementia. Rape is one of the worst forms of sexual assault, but any unwanted conduct of a sexual nature can justify criminal sexual assault charges and the filing of a civil personal injury complaint.

The victims may suffer serious physical injuries. They often experience fear, and shock when the assault happens and anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Many seniors who are sexually assaulted lose their confidence and some may lose their will to live.

Sexual harassment is repeat conduct of a sexual nature that is considered offensive and unwelcome – usually in a workplace such as a nursing home.

The victims and perpetrators can be female and male. In many cases, the abuser knows the victim. According to the National Institutes of Health, many times, the abuser had “either cognitive impairment, a psychiatric diagnosis, substance abuse, a criminal history, or had previously committed sexual abuse.” Most abusers look for victims, such as seniors, who are fragile and defenseless.

What are the signs a senior was sexually abused in Cherry Hill?

Psychology Today states that 94 percent of women in a study experienced PTSD, insomnia, avoidance, and hypervigilance in the two weeks after sexual abuse occurred. Many also suffered anger, depression, and anxiety.

Nursing homes, long-term care facilities, family members, and friends should understand the following signs of sexual abuse of the elderly:

  • Clothing that is torn, bloody, or stained
  • Bleeding from the genitals, anus, or in the pelvic area
  • Bruises in genital areas and/or anus
  • Difficulty walking or sitting
  • A diagnosis of a sexually transmitted disease
  • Emotional trauma
  • Withdrawing from social activities and other people
  • Attempts at suicide

The victims of sexual abuse should be examined as soon as possible for any physical injuries and sexually transmitted infections. Victims should also be encouraged to speak with mental health professionals. At Ferrara & Gable, our Cherry Hill nursing home abuse lawyers work with a network of doctors, psychologists, and sexual abuse counselors who are skilled in helping sexual assault and sexual harassment victims.

Who is responsible for the sexual abuse of the elderly in South Jersey?

If you suspect that your loved one has been sexually abused, please seek medical and legal help immediately. The person who abused your parent or other loved one is likely abusing others.

Our Cherry Hill nursing home lawyers are skilled at holding the responsible parties, including the nursing home itself, liable when they commit or fail to monitor sexual abuse.

The defendants may include:

  • The person who commits sexual abuse. In addition to seeking civil damages, we also seek punitive damages against the abuser. Our sexual abuse lawyers in Cherry Hill also work with the police and prosecutors if criminal charges are filed.
  • The nursing home or long-term care facilities. Senior nursing homes and long-term care facilities have a duty to anticipate the possibility of sexual abuse of their residents and take proactive steps to prevent the abuse from occurring, ensure the victim receives prompt medical care when abuse occurs, and discipline (including firing) the wrongdoers if they work for the home/facility. Nursing homes are generally liable for the actions of their employees.


Nursing homes may also be liable for the sexual abuse of a nursing home resident if they fail to:

  • Vet their employees by conducting criminal background checks and responding to any complaints.
  • Supervise and monitor other residents. Many sexual abuse violations involve resident-on-resident abuse.
  • Hire enough qualified employees. Understaffing can lead to abuse.
  • Educate their staff about the dangers, possibilities, and signs of sexual abuse of the residents.
  • Create confidential systems to report abuse.
  • Specifically address how to identify and protect their residents from sexual abuse – for residents with dementia, Alzheimer's, or other cognitive or physical disorders.
  • Respond to complaints of abuse including applying disciplinary action and evaluating security procedures
  • Create methods for monitoring seniors while also protecting their privacy.

Additional failures include a lack of documentation of the abuse and delays or failures in reporting the abuse to authorities.

What damages can Cherry Hill nursing home residents claim in a sexual abuse lawsuit?

Sexual abuse of the elderly is unconscionable. Many victims are too ill to respond. Most victims only have a limited number of years left to recover from the shock and the fear. Recovering from physical injuries and emotional injuries is much rougher when you’re older.

At Ferrara & Gable, we demand that the responsible defendants pay the maximum amount possible. We demand compensation for all your loved ones current and future:

  • Physical pain and emotional suffering – both of which may be very traumatic
  • Medical bills including emergency room care, mental health counseling, sexual abuse and rape counseling, hospitalizations, visits with physicians, physical rehabilitation, medicines, and other medical expenses
  • Damage to their quality of life

Do you have a Cherry Hill nursing home sexual abuse lawyer near me?

Ferrara & Gable’s office is located at 601 Longwood Avenue in Cherry Hill, NJ. You can park nearby. The Rt. 38 bus is another option. We do schedule phone and video conferences for sexual abuse victims who are too upset or ill to come to our office.

Our team will answer all your questions and guide you through the claims process.

Strong advocacy for elderly victims of sexual abuse in South Jersey

At Ferrara & Gable, our Cherry Hill personal injury lawyers understand just how devastating sexual abuse of the elderly is for victims who are cognizant and those who have dementia. Our nursing home sexual abuse lawyers are respected by former clients, insurance companies, and other attorneys for our compassion for our clients and our strong advocacy skills in the courtroom and with insurance companies. Call us or contact us today to schedule a free consultation. We’ll fight for the justice your loved one deserves.