Camden County motorcycle accident lawyers

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Camden County Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Experienced lawyers when motorcycle riders are injured in South Jersey

Motorcycle riders in Camden County enjoy the feeling of the wind in their hair and the friendships of other riders. Motorcycles are much less expensive to buy and maintain than cars. Riders can maneuver and park in ways that cars can’t. These joys and advantages come with risks and dangers. One bump, one raindrop, and one careless driver can cause a crash. At Ferrara & Gable, we’re skilled at showing how another driver caused your accident, and why those responsible should be held liable for your medical care, pain and suffering, loss of income, and other damages. We’re ready to help you obtain the just recovery you deserve.

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Call 856-779-9500 now or fill out the form above to receive a free confidential consultation.

How dangerous are motorcycle accidents?

The Insurance Information Institute (III) statistical report for 2021 shows that 5, 932 motorcycle accidents in the US were fatal and 82,686 motorcycle accidents in 2021 caused injuries. The NHTSA data for New Jersey motorcycle accidents in 2021 confirms that nearly 700 people died on New Jersey roads.

Motorcycle accidents are generally much more deadly and cause more catastrophic injuries than car accidents because:

  • Motorcycles provide virtually no physical protection. There’s no roof, front, rear, or doors.
  • Riders are likely to be struck at least twice when an accident occurs – once with another vehicle and then again when the rider strikes the hard asphalt.

According to the State of New Jersey, when another vehicle is involved, over half of all motorcycle accidents occur at intersections. More than 2/3rds occur because another driver fails to see the motorcycle. When only the motorcycle is involved, the leading contributing factors are speeding, operator inexperience, and during turns and navigating corners.

Why do motorcycle accidents happen in Camden County?

At Ferrara & Gable, we work with investigators, the police, and through the formal discovery process to show how motorcycle accidents occur, and who is responsible.

Some of the common causes of motorcycle crashes in Camden County include:

  • Speeding
  • Driving while distracted
  • Impaired driving
  • Failure of a car driver or a truck driver to see the motorcycle
  • Failure of a car driver or a truck driver to respect the traffic rights of the motorcycle operator
  • Snow, wind, rain, and other inclement weather
  • Lack of training
  • Lack of experience
  • Roadkill, potholes, and other roadside dangers
  • Riding in the same lane with another vehicle
  • Improper turning
  • Failure to keep the motorcycle balanced
  • Other traffic violations
  • Turning
  • Defective motorcycle parts such as electrical systems, brakes, throttles, and other parts

What injuries do Camden County motorcycle accidents cause?

Ferrara & Gable works with your doctors to understand all the medical care you’ll need and all the ways your injuries are affecting your ability to function, work, and enjoy your life. Our Camden County personal injury lawyers handle all types of catastrophic, permanent, and serious injuries including:

  • Head trauma, including traumatic brain injuries and concussions
  • Spinal cord damage, including paralysis
  • Loss of limb/traumatic amputation
  • Simple, complex, compound, and multiple fractures/broken bones
  • Third-degree burns
  • Road rash
  • Muscle, nerve, ligament, tendon, and tissue damage
  • Neck, back, and shoulder injuries
  • Internal bleeding and organ damage
  • Crush injuries
  • Permanent scarring and disfigurement
  • Hearing or vision loss
  • Fatal injuries

Road rash is a severe motorcycle injury that occurs when a victim slides on the road. Road rash can cause infections, scarring, and other complications.

Who is responsible for my motorcycle accident?

Our Camden County motorcycle accident lawyers file claims against everyone responsible for your injuries. The defendants may include:

  • The driver of a car, truck, Uber/Lyft, motorcycle, or another type of vehicle
  • An employer of the negligent driver
  • The owner of the vehicle driven by the negligent driver
  • Manufacturers of defective motorcycle parts
  • A seller of alcohol to the driver who caused your accident when that driver was visibly intoxicated
  • The New Jersey Department of Transportation or governmental agencies responsible for the design and/or maintenance of the road where the accident happened
  • Repair shops who made improper repairs
  • The motorcycle driver (who may be liable to any passengers) if the driver:
    • Split lanes
    • Failed to look for or handle road hazards
    • Failed to turn properly
    • Failed to have sufficient experience to ride a motorcycle with a passenger

What New Jersey laws govern motorcycle riding?

New Jersey has many laws that regulate motorcycle operation and riding including:

  • Operators must have a motorcycle license
  • All riders must wear helmets approved by the US Department of Transportation
  • Owners must have liability insurance at the state minimum level or above
  • Passengers must have separate seats
  • Motorcycles are required to have a windscreen; otherwise, the driver must wear eye goggles
  • The headlights should be visible during the day
  • Motorcycles must have a rearview mirror

Operators should also take an approved motorcycle education course. Riders should also be properly dressed.

What compensation can I receive for my Camden County motorcycle accident claim?

We demand compensation for all your:

  • Medical care
  • Lost income and lost benefits
  • Physical pain and emotional suffering
  • Property damage
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Loss of bodily function
  • Loss of consortium
  • Inability to enjoy life’s pleasures

If a Camden County motorcycle accident takes the life of your loved one, we seek wrongful death damages. These damages include the funeral and burial costs, the loss of financial support from your loved one, and the loss of guidance and comfort your loved one would have provided.

How much time do I have to file my Camden County motorcycle accident claim?

Generally, you have to file your personal injury claim within two years from the date of the accident. Shorter time limits apply when claims are filed against a New Jersey agency or entity. Other exceptions may apply.

At Ferrara & Gable, we recommend that you contact us as quickly as possible. We need to investigate the accident when everyone remembers what happened. We also want to review the status of your injuries and put the insurance companies on notice.

Do you have a Camden County motorcycle accident lawyer near me?

Ferrara & Gable’s has a Camden County office at 601 Longwood Avenue in Cherry Hill, NJ. There is plenty of parking close by. The Rt. 38 bus stops near our office. We do meet clients at their homes and hospitals when necessary. We also consult with clients by phone and through online conversations.

Contact our Camden County motorcycle accident lawyers now

Motorcycle injuries are often devastating. The motorcycle provides no protection. Many accident victims live with permanent injuries and chronic pain. At Ferrara & Gable, we understand the unique challenges involved with handling motorcycle accident claims, including determining who’s liable for your accident, which insurance coverage pays your damages, and how your damages can be valued when your injuries may last for the rest of your life.

If you were injured, or a loved one was killed, call our Camden County motorcycle accident attorneys now or contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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