Seven Steps to Take if You Suspect a Loved One Is Suffering Nursing Home Abuse

Seven Steps to Take if You Suspect a Loved One Is Suffering Nursing Home AbuseOur elderly loved ones mean a lot to us. Therefore, when we suspect that they are being abused or mistreated in any way, it is difficult to come to terms with, especially when the abuse is occurring at a facility that is supposed to take care of and support elderly individuals.

When this happens, it is crucial that you act as quickly as possible and take the appropriate steps to ensure their protection and safety going forward. We have seven important steps to take if you suspect that your loved one is suffering nursing home abuse.

1.     If it is an emergency, inform law enforcement right away

If you believe that your elderly loved one’s life is in danger or you see the abusive act taking place, you should call 9-1-1 immediately. Police officers will arrive at the nursing home, investigate the situation, and make a police report. Even if you do not see the act taking place, it is a good idea to contact law enforcement and file a police report as this can be used as documentation to support your case.

2.     Talk calmly to your elderly loved one about the situation

There are several signs that typically indicate an elderly loved one is being abused. Some of the signs are bruises, cuts, broken or fractured bones, depression, anxiety, malnutrition, dehydration, fear around another resident or worker, withdrawing from people, no longer participating in activities once enjoyed, and more. If you notice any of these signs, you should consider talking calmly to your loved one about their experience at the nursing home.

You may want to ask certain questions, such as how they like being at the nursing home, whether anyone makes them feel unsafe or uncomfortable, whether they have any close friends or see anyone often throughout the day, and whether or not anyone is rude or mean to them. Keep in mind that most residents who are abused in nursing homes are afraid to speak out because they do not want to make the situation worse. Therefore, even if your loved one does not tell you anything that confirms abuse is happening, it does not mean that it is not.

3.     Get your loved one medical attention as soon as possible

If you suspect that your elderly loved one is being abused in a nursing home, you should make a doctor’s appointment or take them to a nearby emergency room for a medical evaluation. Your loved one may be unable to communicate or tell you what happened to cause their cuts and bruises, but a doctor can look at the injuries and determine whether abuse may have played a role. In addition, your loved one’s medical records can be used to show that you took the abuse seriously, got them medical attention right away, and are ensuring that they receive the appropriate treatment for their injuries.

4.     Report the abuse to the nursing home management team

You should also inform and report the abuse to the nursing home management team. This may include the manager, supervisor, director, or administrator as these individuals need to know that elderly abuse is occurring and you are seeking a solution. You may even need to schedule a meeting to sit down and discuss your concerns with the management team. There is a possibility that the nursing home is unaware of a specific staff member or resident who is abusing other residents. Therefore, by letting them know, they could begin an internal investigation and create a plan of action to stop the abuse.

5.     Collect as much evidence as possible

It is extremely important that you collect as much evidence as possible. You can take photos and record videos of your loved one’s injuries, room conditions, behaviors, emotional changes, and more. You should also write in a journal about any signs of abuse or neglect that you see. If you believe someone has seen the abuse occur (a roommate, a worker, or a resident), you should write down their names and contact information as well.

6.     Get in touch with a Cherry Hill nursing home abuse attorney

Your loved one’s injuries and illnesses from the abuse can become life-threatening and very costly. Therefore, if you suspect that your loved one is being abused, you should get in touch with a nursing home abuse attorney at your earliest convenience. They will conduct their own investigation, help you collect convincing evidence, file a claim against the nursing home, and fight for your loved one’s right to compensation to cover their medical expenses and the pain and suffering that they have experienced.

7.     Consider moving your loved one to a different nursing home facility

Your elderly loved one deserves the best care possible. Therefore, if you believe that leaving them in the current facility will cause them more harm, it may be time to consider moving them to a different nursing home facility as soon as possible. Tour a few different facilities and meet with the management teams to discuss what you are looking for. After you have found a nursing home that has a good reputation and seems to take your concerns seriously, you can start the transfer process. This will ensure that your loved one will be in good hands going forward.

If you believe that your elderly loved one is a victim of nursing home abuse, the Cherry Hill nursing home abuse lawyers at Ferrara & Gable are here to help. Our team knows and understands how traumatic and devastating it can be to find out your loved one has been physically harmed or mistreated, which is why we are committed to doing everything we can to hold the abusers accountable for their actions. Please call our office or fill out our contact form to begin discussing your case today at a free consultation. We are based in Cherry Hill but proudly serving all of South Jersey.

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